如果你偶而會聽西洋音樂,就算不聽也看廣告吧,有個在台灣很紅的歪果仍,丹尼爾。波特 Daniel Powter , 在台灣紅的程度僅次於嗚呼的Michael Jackson吧
艾咪也在部落格點過丹尼爾的歌,迴響不小,畢竟我周邊的朋友沒人不愛丹尼爾,尤其是他的Bad Day,簡直是曠世巨作,拯救不少在高樓牆邊徘徊的失意男女
老闆卻一副冷淡的臉:" 喔,是啊,他要來台灣啊!"
傑克一聽到眼睛瞬間亮起:"當然啊,他Bad Day那張超級好聽"
但崔佛不死心,又回了一封信:"親愛的維克多,我也希望能夠撥空到台灣。你沒聽過丹尼爾嗎?據說他在台灣very big ! "
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009
2:03 PM
To: 崔佛
Cc: 老闆
Subject: about Daniel
Dear 崔佛,
Hope everything goes well there.
I have to say upon knowing your plan to visit Taiwan and about Daniel, I couldn’t believe what I saw. You are absolutely right that Daniel is BIG here. Most of my friends and colleagues at 敝公司 are his fans; some of them even use Daniel’s songs as their phone rings. When I told them about your trip, believe me, they couldn’t help screaming.
For me, I’ve heard his Bad Day continuously for a month to pass through a tough time last year; its music video is also brilliantly touching and inspiring. Of course his new album, Under the Radar, is now in our ipods.
I would love to go to his concert if available; hopefully the tickets won’t be sold out. Please forward our appreciations to Daniel, he is amazing!
We are looking forward to your coming
Regards, 艾咪
[上午 10:15:53] 崔佛 說 : hi 艾咪
[上午 10:16:03] 崔佛 說 : i saw your email about daniel
[上午 10:16:41] 艾咪 說 : Hi 崔佛
[上午 10:17:13] 艾咪 說 : :) I was so excited when I received your mail
[上午 10:17:44] 崔佛 說 : i see that....so cool you guys like him
[上午 10:17:55] 崔佛 說 : I showed him your email today
[上午 10:18:13] 崔佛 說 : he was very flattered by it
[上午 10:18:56] 艾咪 說 : Hah, really?! Cool
[上午 10:19:14] 崔佛 說 : yes really.
[上午 10:19:45] 崔佛 說 : so if i make it there...we will definitely hook up and i'll try to wrangle tickets
[上午 10:20:10] 崔佛 說 : i will let you know as soon as i find out
[上午 10:20:42] 艾咪 說 : Wow! Thank you.
[上午 10:21:03] 崔佛 說 : no problem
[上午 10:22:24] 艾咪 說 : :) I will have a wonderful weekend becuase of it, hah
[上午 10:22:35] 崔佛 說 : does 你們老闆 know who he is?
[上午 10:24:07] 艾咪 說 : well, I guess not (chuckle) coz he couldn't realize why we were so excited.
[上午 10:26:07] 艾咪 說 : I should send him some songs of Daniel's and then I believe he would recognize them right away, coz lots of his songs were used in TV commercials, especially for cars.